We believe in

the power of the

human-animal bond.

Caring Connections nurtures compassion in children and adults as they learn to see the world through the eyes of others and gain respect & empathy for those around us.

Humane Education can be defined as education that promotes compassion, empathy, and respect for all living beings. It encompasses the intersection of people, animals, and our shared environment.

As part of Crossroads’ mission to help people and animals in our community, our Caring Connections program offers Humane Education classes to students & adults, so they may learn about proper pet care, communication, patience, and empathy for animals and humans alike.

Caring Connections

Humane Education

Course Description

Our one day or multi-week group course focuses on learning non-verbal communication cues with other species and includes working with live animals.

Students learn how to build confidence, gain trust and teach dogs basic cues through the power of positive reinforcement and the human-animal bond.

Caring Connections focuses on dog and cat training, how to understand why our pets (and sometimes people) do the things they do, and what kinds of activities/fun/games we can implement to help them lead happy, healthy and harmonious lives in our human world. (Fees to be determined).

We show our students that, just like humans, animals deserve and need a loving and supportive environment and that, like us, fear and instability can cause animals to behave in unpredictable ways – but it doesn’t determine who they are or make them unlovable.

A dog’s purpose in the world is to love us when
nobody else does.”

Participant in
Caring Connections

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