Friday night Van Gogh’s journey changed course. Friday night Van Gogh went home.


What he experienced in his short life prior to being rescued by a metro police officer is anyone’s guess. We do know that on that fall day Van Gogh’s journey changed directions.


Esther’s home was his first stop. There he found safety and food.


Next on his itinerary was Dr. Ergen’s office. Once there, Van Gogh found more food and veterinary care. He gained many new friends during his stay, including a vet tech who dubbed him Van Gogh because of his impressive and slightly lopsided ears.


While getting healthy Van Gogh stayed with Julie.  He found puppy wonderland – more wonderful food, toys, other dogs and people. Every day Van Gogh grew…and grew…and grew – just like a puppy should. Van Gogh was on the right track.


His journey continued. Next stop? Van Gogh went to Robin and Joel’s house. Robin and Joel would spend the next few weeks teaching Van Gogh about living in a family. Van Gogh made new friends, human and canine.  He especially liked that little human girl – she was so much fun!


On Saturday’s Van Gogh visited Monroe Harding House. There he learned his name. He learned that humans give great belly rubs. He learned to trust. He learned to play. He learned how to play hide-and-seek. He learned that life was good.


One afternoon Van Gogh hopped into Lisa’s car with Barbara. Off they went to meet Christine, Jacob, Ginger and Speck. Van Gogh was all puppy – goofy, playful, entertaining and dripped with cuteness, but Ginger was initially skeptical about this goofy pup with the big ears.


Application complete…references checked….home visit done – Van Gogh’s journey changed directions.


Lisa and Delores drove to Robin and Joel’s home. Van Gogh’s toys and food were packed. He’d had his bath. He was ready.


On the drive to Christine and Jacob’s home Van Gogh lounged in the back of the car, enjoyed having his belly rubbed and continued his journey.


They arrived. The door opened. Van Gogh was welcomed into his home. HIS HOME!


Speck and Ginger sniffed Van Gogh. Van Gogh sniffed back. Van Gogh hopped up on the couch. Pictures were taken. Humans talked, canines continued to get acquainted.


The next morning Ginger showed Van Gogh (now Fonzie) the” ins and outs” of the doggie door, and the two of them headed out to the backyard where they played and played and played. Ginger’s skepticism vanished as she realized she’d found the playmate she’d been waiting for, and who knows, with time, maybe she’ll even get use to those goofy ears!


Many volunteers who answered the call for help made Van Gogh’s journey home possible. That’s what we do at Crossroads Campus – we connect humans and animals who are standing at a crossroad.


How do we do that? Please visit our website – or find us on Facebook –



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