When you volunteer with Crossroads you are part of something transformational.
Each action and interaction holds the potential for changing a life.
Volunteer with
We are currently looking for volunteers in the following areas:

Contact us with your ideas at Info@CrossroadsCampus.org
or complete a volunteer application
Dog Treat Baking
Crossroads has created a dog treat baking business in order to provide additional employment opportunities for the young adults in our community. We also rely on volunteers to assist our team with the baking and packaging of our pup treats.
Caring Connections Team
Caring Connections is our community education outreach program, where volunteers assist education leaders in working with youth and pets. These programs use small numbers of volunteers for day-long and multi-day workshops. (Volunteers for our multi-day programs are asked to commit to attending each week of an 8- to 10-week session.)
Youth Mentoring
Do you have expertise to share? The participants in our job training and affordable housing programs regularly engage in training and mentoring sessions designed to help them gain valuable life skills. We are looking for volunteers to assist our program participants with:
Financial Literacy , Effective Communication, Self-Love/Self Care, Taxes, Taking Responsibility, Exploring Relationships, Community, Hopes and Dreams, Exploring Values, Apartment Hunting/Applying, Self-Advocacy, Healthy Meal Prep, Navigating Auto Purchases….aand more
Community Outreach Team
Are you enthusiastic about sharing the Crossroads story throughout Nashville? This group represents Crossroads at various events in the community, including festivals, parties, happy/yappy hours, tent sales, and more. In addition, we depend on volunteer help with our annual Trunk or Treat and Santa Paws events at Crossroads.
There is always something fun happening with this team!
Animal Care and Socialization
If you’d like to offer some hands-on help, our dogs and cats could always use some extra love! They enjoy playing with toys, being walked, brushed, and some of them just need an extra snuggle every now and then! (And if you aren’t afraid of scooping up poop, even better!)
Animal Fostering
There are times when we rely on foster homes for cats and dogs who need time to decompress, may not do well in a shelter environment, or just need a little more space than we can provide. Interested in the rewards of helping a pet through a short-term commitment?
First impressions count! We could use someone (or some people) to help maintain the outside of our store, including lawn mowing, weeding, and watering.
Create Your Own Fundraiser
Put your talents to work and create your own fundraiser(s) to benefit Crossroads! Here are some ideas to get you going:
House Concerts, Penny drives, Birthday gift campaigns, Trivia nights, Walk/bike/run sponsorships, Silent auction, Golf tournament, Film screening, Car wash
The possibilities are endless!